Akkineni Nagarjuna is one versatile actor in Telugu who has played various roles in his career spanning 17 years. Especially in recent years, he has made conscious decision to do out-of-the-box roles and tried to do new experiments with them. With his unique body language, dialogue delivery and acting, the King has created a niche for himself. The Tollywood star is now back with his latest outing Greeku Veerudu, which features him in a totally brand new look. The 53-year-old star looks like a 25-year-old NRI and his youthfulness is sure to rock you. Greeku Veerudu is a romance drama, which has all ingredients and is on par with the expectations of the people of all age groups. Nagarjuna and Nayantara's brilliant performances and great chemistry are the main attractions in the movie. S Thaman's melodious music, Anil Bhandari's mesmerising picturisation, arresting plot, Brahmanandam and MS Narayana's comedy timing, beautiful foreign locales, costumes, makeup and art direction are its other highlights. Kondapalli Dasaradh Kumar, who has teamed up with Nag for the second time, a decade after the release of Santosham, has come up with a fresh and feel-good story, which does not have an antagonist. The story is all about an NRI businessman, who is an Event Manager in USA. He is shrewd, selfish and a cutthroat businessman, who perceives every action including love as a business transaction. The film is a mature romance, which upholds the importance of love, affection and family relationships. The movie opens up at a city in the USA with a brief introduction to lead characters played by Nagarjuna, Nayantara, Brahmanandam, Venu Madhav and MS Narayana, and after few minutes the story shifts to India. The first half has all the masala elements to lure the masses. Dasarath runs the whole show with right mix of romance, comedy, family sentiments. When the audience are going to snooze due to the dragging narration by the end of the first half, the director alerts them with an action scene.
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